Jennafer Pettit |
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Jennafer Pettit is a multifaceted Designer and Marketer with a knack for storytelling & experience crafting.


She’s created brand experiences through web, illustration, and multimedia collateral, designed exhibits, and orchestrated the production of 80+ products across 10+ brands for big box retailers. She helps businesses tailor their communications to elevate their brand and engage their ideal clients and customers more effectively.


Two For Tutor


Role: Visual Design, Graphics, Custom
Icons, Layout, and Coding Final Site


Assisted with: Copywriting

Mirimichi Green


Role: Visual Design, Graphics,
Layout, and Coding Final Site


Assisted with: Copywriting, Video editing

Comet Research Group


Role: Work with team on Visual Design, Graphics,
Layout, and Coding Final Site.


IndieGoGo Campaign Role: Perk Design &
Assist with campaign design & launch


Packaging & Promotions

